
Zack Kielich

Product Manager

Cisco CloudCenter

Zack Kielich is a Product Manager for Cisco CloudCenter who has previously filled roles in support, sales engineering, and technical marketing teams. He began his career in the ITSM and shifted into cloud computing 5 years ago. Zack has focused most of his career on cloud application provisioning and automation which has made him an expert in Cisco CloudCenter and several other products in the space. Zack has been influential in bridging the gap between customer needs and software functionality though his experience in the field and attention to customer use cases. He graduated from Long Beach State with a degree in Psychology with a focus on neuroscience.


March 28, 2017


CloudCenter 4.8 Release–Brownfield Import and Action Library

The big news in March for cloud was the AWS S3 outage that brought down some large pieces of the Internet with it. While the world didn’t end, it definetly caused issues and illustrated the need for a cloud strategy that accounts for vendor failure. But managing multiple clouds, accounts, and capabi…

October 5, 2016


Time flies when you are having fun – New CloudCenter Release

Time flies when you’re having fun and building great products! Those who have been following CloudCenter (formerly CliQr) know that it’s been about 6 months since we were acquired by Cisco. During that time, we’ve have been extremely busy. Not only was there a lot of normal day to day activities nee…